The Witch Wavelength
The Witch Wavelength
Lana Borealis - Energy Healer & Demon Slayer
Lana Borealis is a multidimensional healer and coach who uses her unique methods of energy work to help people overcome addiction and substance abuse. She also helps free spiritual parasites and entities, limiting patterns in the light body with soul retrieval and DNA activation.
If you want to learn more about slaying your demons, freeing yourself from addiction and building a stronger connection to your divine guidance... join us for this fascinating chat on the Witch Wavelength!
You can *watch* this episode on Sheena's YouTube Channel - HERE
Join Sheena and Lana for their live stream HEALING WITH MAGIC
on a Full Moon on May 23rd at 7 pm (GMT/UTC) HERE
Check out Lana's work here:
🧙 Sign up for her "Magic Keys to Freedom" 13-week online course: EnergyMagicLove.com
🧙 Check out her services at LanaBorealis.com
🧙 Lana's socials:
YouTube Instagram
Check out Sheena & Ian here:
Sheena's Instagram page Ian's Instagram page
Podcast Facebook page
Sheena's website
Buy the books The Witch Wavelength and Riches For Witches
Join Sheena's Wealthy Witches ~ a newsletter and online circle for magical people, including practices and a Live monthly workshop on embracing abundance, resetting intentions, and manifesting wealth in all its aspects:
- Health
- Relationships
- Creativity
- Spirituality
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Monthly subscription - £12
Sign up HERE
Download & Stream Morrigans Path
Episode 46
Drop us a line... we'd love to hear from you!
EMAIL: sheenacundy@gmail.com