The Witch Wavelength
The Witch Wavelength
Samantha Sear - Artist & Podcaster
Samantha Sear is an artist, stay-at-home mum, writer and host of the Rooted By Nature podcast.
Sam talks about how her love of books, writing, magic and nature has fuelled her creativity on all levels. She reveals some of her most personal psychic experiences and explains how the most challenging time of her life, which led her to the healing power of nature... inspired a natural urge to go public and share its magic with others.
Listen to the Rooted by Nature Podcast
Samantha's Rooted by Nature Instagram page
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Sheena's website
Buy the books: The Witch Wavelength and Riches For Witches
Download & Stream Morrigans Path
Episode 41
Drop us a line... we'd love to hear from you!
EMAIL: sheenacundy@gmail.com
Intro & outro music: The Madness & the Magic - Morrigans Path
Recorded and produced by Ian Cundy.
© Treehouse Magic