The Witch Wavelength
The Witch Wavelength
Katherine Genet ~ Author & Druid
Katherine Genet, author of the magical Wilde Grove fiction series, has been walking a pagan path for over thirty years. As a self-published author, she makes a living from her writing... something a lot of indie authors don't do.
Find out how she does this, what her stories are about, and how her magical series is currently on the cards for an exciting future ahead!
Magical Writing & Living with Kate and Sheena Live on YouTube Oct 13th
Magical Writing & Living with Kate and Sheena Live on FB Oct 13th
Kate's website: katherinegenet.online
Podcast Facebook page
Ian's Instagram page
Sheena's Instagram page
Sheena's website
Buy the book: The Witch Wavelength
Riches For Witches is out NOW!
Download & Stream Morrigans Path
Episode 34
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EMAIL: sheenacundy@gmail.com
Intro & outro music: The Madness & the Magic - Morrigans Path
Recorded and produced by Ian Cundy.
© Treehouse Magic