The Witch Wavelength
The Witch Wavelength
The Magic of Self Publishing
If you're a Witch who writes, magic's part of the job...so why is it that just back from a log cabin retreat, Ian's rested, and Sheena's knackered?
The joys of self-publishing, not an April fool, and a tarot spell are some of the things Mr & Mrs. C. have up their sleeves in this episode...
Featured song: Couronne de la Lune by Lyz le Fay & Morrigans Path
Tarot Spell blog post
Soul Gathering with Morrigans Path - May 7th
Podcast page on Facebook
Ian's Instagram page
Sheena's Instagram page
Sheena's website
Buy the book: The Witch Wavelength
Download & Stream Morrigans Path
Drop us a line...we'd love to hear from you!
EMAIL: sheenacundy@gmail.com
Intro & outro music: The Madness & the Magic - Morrigans Path
Recorded and produced by Ian Cundy.
© Treehouse Magic